Sunday, 28 November 2010

Things that are bothering me at this moment in time.

  1. Why do people have pictures of them kissing their other half as their profile picture on Facebook? Surely that is the height of public-displays-of-affection. Why would you honestly believe people want to see that?
  2. Similarly, why do people have pictures of their child as their profile pictures on Facebook? I mean, you AND the child is acceptable, but you are not your child, and it isn't your child's profile, so why?
  3. While we're on the subject, sonograms belong on the fridge and in little frames on the mantlepiece. Not all up in my newsfeed grill.
  4. Why are the only things bothering me Facebook-related? I need to get out of this house.
  5. How into reality TV shows I've gotten since being ill. I love I'm A Celebrity. I mean, REALLY love it. I look forward to it. And that makes me hate myself a bit.

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